World Family Summit 2017 – Participant’s registration now open

The World Family Organization, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research – UNITAR and the CIFAL Global Network, in partnership with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development, the United Nations Division for Social Policy and Development, the UN ECOSOC Office for Support and Coordination and the United Nations NGO Branch will hold the World Family Summit 2017 in Geneva on December 14 and 15  working on the theme:

“No Family Left Behind: Families and Local Authorities working together to transform cities and human settlements into inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable with strong communities”

The registration for participants is now open (click here to download the registration form), the deadline is November 20th, 2017.

The Provisional Program is already available.

Últimas plazas del XVI Curso de Formación en Mediación Familiar – UNAF

Ofrecemos una formación especializada en un ámbito concreto de la mediación: la gestión de conflictos en situaciones de separación, divorcio o cese de la convivencia.

Accede a una formación completa que incluye tanto los contenidos teóricos de las distintas disciplinas que capacitan al mediador/a familiar, como las prácticas con familias, imprescindibles para poder ejercer la profesión.

Fórmate en una profesión con futuro con los mejores profesionales de la mediación, con una experiencia de más de 25 años.

La XVI Edición del Curso de Mediación comienza el próximo 17 de noviembre hasta el 30 de junio de 2018, se desarrollará en módulos presenciales los viernes por la tarde y sábado completo. Nuestro curso incluye el estudio de casos reales y training en las técnicas y procesos de intervención, además de la realización de prácticas en co-mediación con las familias usuarias del servicio de mediación familiar de UNAF.


Joint Meeting of ECOSOC and the Second Committee on “The Future of Everything – Sustainable Development in the Age of Rapid Technological Change”

Date: Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location:  ECOSOC Chamber, UN Headquarters

Watch live (coming soon)

The future will no longer be what we once thought. It is widely acknowledged that the pace and breadth of technological advances are intensifying, and by 2030 – the target date for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals – the world will have undergone further changes in the realm of daily human interaction.  Many changes already underway are having a profound impact on our economies, societies and ecosystems.  Industrial processes are becoming increasingly automated and robotized, with human intervention increasingly confined to specific tasks.  Rapid growth in large datasets, and the capacity to store and use them, offer new resources for research, analysis and problem-solving, but can also be used by cyber-criminals.  Ubiquitous computing, facilitated by advances in the Internet of Things in combination with 5G, big data and nanotech, will also be key drivers of change.  We may truly be at the beginning of what has been referred to as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

In many of these areas, ethical questions arise around the potential of technological advancements to outpace policies and regulations and, in the process, undermine societal norms.  while many advances hold great promise for sustainable development and poverty eradication, they also risk leaving much of the world behind in a global context in which inequalities are already sharply felt.   To address these challenges and forge solutions for using technological change as a catalyst for inclusive development, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Second Committee of the General Assembly will organise a joint meeting on “The Future of Everything – Sustainable Development in the Age of Rapid Technological Change”.  The joint meeting will include a three-hour panel presentation and interactive discussion between expert presenters from Government, academia, the private sector and civil society, and meeting participants.  The discussion will focus on best practices and new initiatives with respect to the latest developments in this area, including how policy-makers and their partners can harness the benefits of progress in science and technology, while minimizing their unintended, negative consequences.

56th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD56)

Submission of written statements for the 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD56) is now open:
Only NGOs in General and Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC can submit written statements to the CSocD56 to be held from 29 January to 7 February 2018 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The priority theme is: “Strategies for the eradication of poverty to achieve sustainable development for all”.
Please find the link to the online submission and general instructions for preparing the statements:
The deadline for submission is 19 November 2017. Please note that Statements sent by email cannot be accepted.
You will be notified only if your statement has been accepted by 22 December 2017.
For more information on the CSocD56, please visit: