The Ronald McDonald Institute and Abrace opened today the new Espaço da Família Ronald McDonald in Hospital Da Criança De Brasília José Alencar

The Ronald McDonald Institute and Abrace opened today the new Espaço da Família Ronald McDonald in Hospital Da Criança De Brasília José Alencar. Now children and teenagers undergoing cancer treatment along with their families can count on the comfort and coziness environment inside the medical unit.

The New space has a brand new playroom, TV, accessible washrooms and several other amenities intended to make the waiting time between appointments and procedures a better experience. Together with that, the space provides a coser contact with the medical team, located right next to the paediatric unit.

WFO congratulates Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, elected WHO Director-General

WFO congratulates Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, elected today by the Member States of WHO as the new Director-General of WHO.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was nominated by the Government of Ethiopia, and will begin his five-year term on 1 July 2017.

Prior to his election as WHO’s next Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus served as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia from 2012–2016 and as Minister of Health, Ethiopia from 2005–2012. He has also served as chair of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; as chair of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership Board; and as co-chair of the Board of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.

As Minister of Health, Ethiopia, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus led a comprehensive reform effort of the country’s health system, including the expansion of the country’s health infrastructure, creating 3500 health centres and 16 000 health posts; expanded the health workforce by 38 000 health extension workers; and initiated financing mechanisms to expand health insurance coverage. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, he led the effort to negotiate the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, in which 193 countries committed to the financing necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

As Chair of the Global Fund and of RBM, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus secured record funding for the two organizations and created the Global Malaria Action Plan, which expanded RBM’s reach beyond Africa to Asia and Latin America.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will succeed Dr Margaret Chan, who has been WHO’s Director-General since 1 January 2007.

For more information, please contact:

Gregory Härtl
WHO Department of Communications
Mobile: +41 79 203 67 15

Curso ‘Políticas públicas ante la diversidad familiar y la igualdad: perspectivas y desafíos’

UNAF organiza junto con la Universidad de Salamanca el Curso ‘Políticas públicas ante la diversidad familiar y la igualdad: perspectivas y desafíos’, los próximos 20 al 22 de junio en Salamanca.

En él se analizarán los retos que plantean la diversidad familiar y la igualdad así como las respuestas más adecuadas desde el ámbito de las políticas públicas. Para ello se reunirá a especialistas en Derecho, Psicología, Filosofía y Sociología, así como a representantes de las organizaciones sociales que trabajan en favor de la inclusión social, los derechos y el bienestar de las familias.

Si estas interesada/o te recomendamos que hagas tu reserva de hotel lo antes posible. Como sugerencia: Abba Fonseca y Sercotel Las Torres.

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Families, Education and Well-Being – United Nations briefing in observance of the IDF

The United Nations Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD), in partnership with the Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations (DPI NGO) held a briefing in observance of the International Day of Families 2017, under the theme “Families, Education and Well-Being.

The event was open to the public held on Thursday, May 18th, 2017, a the Conference Room 4, United Nations Headquarters, NY, and WFO will be represented by Mr. Bruno Ricardo Lopes, Vice President for Financial Affairs.

The Day will highlight the importance of all caregivers in families, be it parents, grandparents or siblings and the importance of parental education for the welfare of children. It will focus on good practices for work-family balance to assist parents in their educational and caregiving roles. Good practices from the private sector in support of working parents, as well as youth and older persons in the workplace will also be highlighted.

The Day also aimed to discuss the importance of ‘knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development’ (SDG4, target 4.7).

More information:

Background Note

Flyer of the Event on 18 May 2017 at United Nations Headquarters in New York – Conference Room 4


Curso Políticas Públicas. Ante la diversidad familiar y la igualdad. UNAF -USAL

UNAF organiza junto con la Universidad de Salamanca el Curso ‘Políticas públicas ante la diversidad familiar y la igualdad: perspectivas y desafíos’, los próximos 20 al 22 de junio en Salamanca.

En él se analizarán los retos que plantean la diversidad familiar y la igualdad así como las respuestas más adecuadas desde el ámbito de las políticas públicas. Para ello se reunirá a especialistas en Derecho, Psicología, Filosofía y Sociología, así como a representantes de las organizaciones sociales que trabajan en favor de la inclusión social, los derechos y el bienestar de las familias.

12 horas de formación especializada dirigida tanto a profesionales como a estudiantes que conocerán las últimas investigaciones e iniciativas en materia de familia.

Más información

World Family Organization: 70 Years and still going strong! Celebrating the International Day of Families, Monday 15th May

Written by Rachel Aird, Chairperson of The Family Africa and Member of the Executive Board of the WFO.


The Family Africa celebrated the International Day of Families on Monday May 15th as well as  the World Family Organization 70th Anniversary as it was formed by member nations of the United Nations in 1947.  The Chairperson of the Family Africa, Mrs Rachel Aird is also on the Executive Board of the WFO and so we wanted to make the day very special.

This year’s observance of the International Day of Families focuses on the role of families and family-oriented policies in promoting education and overall well-being of their members. In particular, the Day was to raise awareness of the role of families in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities for children and youth.  We wanted to also raise awareness of the WFO’s work both now and over the last 70 years.

The event was attended by 6 different organizations and 120 people. Rachel shared a powerpoint on what the International day of families means and why WFO was started by the UN and 27 member countries and the importance of its work worldwide. There was a discussion about what makes up a family, different types of families and also how families can encourage early education and lifelong learning which was lively and extremely worthwhile.  We had songs and poems from the adults and children and each organization made a speech about what their organisations do for families in the community.

The Family Africa then presented  local families  with recognition awards and “buckets of love” (buckets filled with toiletries, blankets or thermal clothing) to each of the winners. The stories from the individuals themselves and from Rachel about why these families had been chosen were extremely touching.  One woman who won the award for families living with disability has cared for her severely mentally and physically handicapped child alone for 14 years unable to work and with virtually no income, carrying him on her back to fetch food from our centre.  She has now found him a special school and pays the fees through selling solar lamps and clothes on the streets. Another award winner came to The Family Africa in a wheel chair crippled from TB of the spine, wheeling through the mud in the pouring rain, begging for adult nappies. The doctors said she would never walk again but now she is not only healthy and walking but also one of the leaders of our TB support group. Another winner was a grandmother who cares for 7 orphans and yet another was the head of a child headed household who is still managing to attend school.  All of them are real “family heroes”.

The winners of the art competition on “My Family” were then announced and the children received their “black box surprise” prizes (full of chocolates, crisps and toys). The event ended with lunch served to all 130 people (somehow we had more people by the time came lunch came around J).   A wonderful day, a successful event , a heart- warming coming together of families celebrating our differences and our desire for the warmth and comfort of a family and our desire to make the world a better place for all families “leaving no family behind”.

Message for the 2017 International Day of Families

Families in Balance: Building Sustainable Cities and Strong Communities with No Family Left Behind.


Dear Members, Distinguished Partners and Friends!

The Celebrations of the International Day of Families is very special this year, because the World Family Organization is celebrating its 70th Anniversary!

Over the past 70 years the World Family Organization has built an extensive and solid platform to improve the existence of many families all over the world and in partnership with the United Nations, Governments at National and Local levels, Universities, NGO’s and Communities mobilized efforts to responsible address the challenges and opportunities to include the family in the process of development.

On January 1st 2016, the world officially began to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a transformative Plan of Action for people, planet, prosperity, peace  and partnership to address urgent global challenges over the next 15 years.

The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Goals, apply to all societies and the family as the most basic unit of society is a powerful agent to exercise and disseminate the goals and targets as they are directly or indirectly related to the family. We want to be part of this integrated policy-action approach to ensure inclusive economic development, inclusive social development, environmental sustainability, peace and security that responds to the aspirations of all families for a world free of want and fear.

We want to be part of the solemn promise to leave no one behind!

By choosing the Sustainable Development Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities –  as our theme for this year,” is a very appropriate approach to start the discussions on how    the future unfolds for families all over the world, having on mind the implementation of local actions that will provide for a well planned and well managed cities and human settlements, inclusive, resilient, offering more efficient economies, quality provision of goods and public services and combative to all forms and dimensions of poverty.

It’s our aspiration and solemn commitment to include families in the process of development and implementation of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals over the next 15 years ensuring that no Family Is left behind.

Happy 2017 International Day of Families! The year of the World Family Organization 70th Anniversary!


Dr. Deisi Noeli Weber Kusztra
World Family Organization

World Family Organization: 70 Years and still going strong!

 World Family Organization: 70 Years and still going strong!

And Celebrating the International Day of Families, Monday 15th May.


The Family Africa will be celebrating the International Day of Families which is held every year on Monday May 15th. 2017 is a very special year as the World Family Organization (, of which The Family Africa is an affiliate, also celebrates its 70th Anniversary as it was formed by member nations of the United Nations in 1947.  The Chairperson of the Family Africa, Mrs Rachel Aird is also on the Executive Board of the WFO, which is an organization which for the last 70 years has continued its work to promote the importance of the family unit, working with refugees, campaigning for family friendly government and local policies and promoting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

This year’s observance of the International Day of Families focuses on the role of families and family-oriented policies in promoting education and overall well-being of their members. In particular, the Day is to raise awareness of the role of families in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities for children and youth

  • The Family Africa will be recognising the achievements of local families through recognition awards. Categories are: families living with disability, families living with long term sickness, child headed household, grandparent headed households.
  • There will also be an art display by local children of what family means to them with prizes for the best submissions.

Rachel Aird gave us some suggestions for local organizations, companies, schools to celebrate The International Day of Families

  • Hold an Open Day for families to show what your agency or organisation does
  • Make a International Families Day display in your foyer, service area or office highlighting what you do for families and what families mean to your organisation
  • Erect displays in libraries, health centres, shopping centres etc
  • Place a suggestion box in your foyer to encourage visitors to comment on your services
  • Hold a picnic or BBQ for staff, clients or the public to showcase your services
  • Host a family-friendly day in your workplace and encourage staff to bring children to work for the day
  • Have a work experience day for youth from the local school or children of staff
  • Hold seminars on topics relevant to the week for your clients and staff
  • Hold an open forum to discuss the concerns of families and youth in your area
  • Disseminate information on youth and families, parenting and the issues faced by families
  • Look at your work and family policies. How effective are they? Are staff aware of them? Do they need updating?
  • Produce a National Families Week edition of your newsletter or publications
  • Arrange for feature articles to be placed in the media on local families and wellbeing
  • Promote the Week and any events or activities you organise through community radio.
  • Have a photographic display or competition
  • Hold a hip-hop or a multicultural dance display
  • Hold a writing or poetry competition – ask the local paper to publish entries
  • Organise a concert
  • Arrange a community outing to local areas of interest
  • Arrange to do something special for a family in difficult circumstances e.g. a gift hamper, arrange babysitting, take the children to a movie
  • Promote the achievements of local families through recognition awards
  • Promote the diversity of families in your local area
  • Honour families and youth who are an inspiration to you
  • Investigate families’ needs, the issues they face and review services accordingly
  • Link up and organise events with service clubs, community organisations and service providers and agencies in your area – include invitations to more disadvantaged members of your area
  • Provide colouring in sheets for children in public contact areas
  • Provide discount entry to your facility for families
  • Record interviews with people in your community to build an oral history
  • Sponsor or raise funds for a local family or youth related community project

Ideas for families and individuals, perhaps you could:

  • Give kids lots of hugs and smiles
  • Take time just to be with children
  • Spend time as parents building your relationship.
  • Ask for help if you need it
  • Have a family movie marathon
  • Have a family sports carnival
  • Hold a family talent quest night
  • Have a family games night
  • Tell each other what makes your family great!
  • ‘Adopt’ a granny or grandpa at the local nursing home or hostel
  • Encourage your family to make short movies on issues important to them – and then hold a “Movie Premiere Night”
  • Be active and eat healthy foods together
  • Have a special family breakfast before work and/or school
  • Let the children make dinner for the adults – and choose the entertainment!
  • Organise a family walkathon
  • Organise a street party
  • Take some family photos and create a special family album or book about your family

Rachel told us “The types of events are only limited by your imagination! Many of these ideas are interchangeable between organisations and families.”  This year’s observance of the International Day of Families focuses on the role of families and family-oriented policies in promoting education and overall well-being of their members. In particular, the Day is to raise awareness of the role of families in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities for children and youth. So it would be great if local crèches and schools would get involved.

The Day will highlight the importance of all caregivers in families, be it parents, grandparents or siblings and the importance of parental education for the welfare of children. It will focus on good practices for work-family balance to assist parents in their educational and caregiving roles. Good practices from the private sector in support of working parents, as well as youth and older persons in the workplace will also be highlighted. So when you think about it”, Rachel said, “Everyone should get involved!”

For more information on what The Family Africa does please see their web site    or if you would like some more activities you can as a family write to Rachel

Agenda 2030 – Sustainable Cities and Strong Communities

As part of the celebrations of WFO’s 70th Anniversary and the International Day of Families, the World Family Organization, UNAPMIF, APMI and Municipality of Ubiratã will hold a conference under the theme: “Agenda 2030: Sustainable Cities and Strong Communities – leaving no one behind”.

The event will be held on May 12th, 2:30Pm at the Ubiratã City Council.