The Family Africa March/April Updates

The Family Africa Early Learning Enrichment Centre and Reading Clinic

We have recently been able to add to our already extensive list of projects: The Family Africa Child Enrich­ment Centre and Reading Clinic .We have an extra staff member (Lita)  who is responsible for other preschool groups coming for regular sessions  during which the children are taught how to read along with other exciting and stimulating activities. We also have an educational consultant  (Susie), who is an experienced ESL (English as a second language) teacher. and who is also investing time in training our children and teachers. We have already started to see positive results in the children especially with their ability to speak English.

More pics: Here

Save The Youth Madagascar – March 2018 Update

Save The Youth Madagascar – An Affiliate of The Family Africa

Activities at the CBA orphanage.

We are always very grateful for the donors who help us to supply rice and grain to the CBA orphanage. Before we started this ongoing project, the children were suffering from malnutrition and hunger, and several of the older ones had even run away from the center to find some food. This month again, we were able to bring them 500 kg of very nourishing local red rice, 100 kg of dried beans, eggs, oil, etc…. After story time we cooked them a very nourishing meal.